Friday, June 4, 2010

First post is always the easiest

Contrary to popular logic, the first post on a new blog is always the easiest to post, be it due to the bubbling enthusiasm that goes with the creation of a new blog, the intention behind the new blog or the author's self-promised commitment (which fails in 90% of the cases though) to post on a regular basis. The scores of blogs I own with not a single post to their credit are testimony to the above fact. So this morning while brushing my teeth I came across this wonderful idea of maintaining an online diary that traces the trails and travails my CAT 2010 preparation is gonna undergo. Sounds great, so without wasting a moment I sit on my computer, hands on the keyboard typing and backspacing furtively, toothbrush clung in the mouth for the past 25 minutes and still unable to finalize on the first post (Half an hour is the least amount of time I ever spent on a post, for the record). So coming back again, WHY THIS NEW BLOG?

1. More than anything I needed an e-conscience(WTF!!) to poke me that something's really not well with the way my preparation is going and that things needed an overhaul before they got out of control. Being the mean, self-centered egoist that I am, I couldn't care less for others who try to remind me how well I should be preparing or how many more efforts I ought to put in before facing that coveted of all exams. So, well this seems to be one of the tonics I needed for quite some time. The plan is simple, make up a plan over the next couple of days, openly proclaim it on this blog, try to stick to it, a plan spanning from now till the 1st week of November or so and hope it works :). And of course there will be a daily report by the close of the day to keep my progress up-to-date. Bah!! 40 minutes and I still have the toothbrush in my mouth!

2. Though this reason is only secondary, what better way to improve your English and Communication ability than writing? A post a day keeps your VA fear away lol this is the second time I'm paraphrasing the age-old saying regarding the doctor.

3. Not really sure that this diary helps anyone really, that's the least of intentions behind this blog BUT of the hundreds of thousands giving their CAT exam every year, let's hope that a handful might chance across this blog and find it helpful, identify their predicament with mine, use my 130+ posts to positively assert themselves and jumpstart their preparation if they're at ground zero in early June the way I am today.

I am Rahul Pinnamaneni and I take an oath now to start preparing for CAT 2010 solemnly and sincerely and not to let down the hopes so many have pinned on me; for a brighter future, for a better career and more importantly, to regain the lost honour and the tarnished credibility that have taken a beating time and again over the last 5 years. Today is the 5th of June, 2010 and this post shall remain a reminder of days wasted procrastinating, hours wasted in aimless online meandering and countless gaming hours (let the porn and other things stay out shall we?).

Good Luck to me and good luck to you if you've read the post till the very last word. May the light shine on our path. CAT 2010 HERE I COME. Gotta finish my brushing first, lol 50 minutes.


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