Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 2

Nothing worth boasting yet, but at least things are starting to fall in line. I've arranged my room and my cupboard today, a job I've been postponing for like ..... the past 8 months. Locked away all my 1st and 2nd year BBM books that I don't need in my final year in a trunk(whose age is 6 years, the trunk's story will have to wait yet), dusted my cupboard and guess what - I came across my brother's CAT material and mock test papers (he gave his CAT in 2004 before he left for the US pursuing his campus placement with Capital One. To my delight I found more than 15 unanswered, sealed mock tests and loads of study material too :):):) It was always the same with me, be it IIT JEE or AIEEE or for that matter anything in this world, always been an avid collector of things I consider of good value, no matter whether they'd turn out helpful to me or not later. Now I need to share with the rest of the world my exuberance at the new trove I dug out(from my cupboard!! does that say a thing or two about my sad state of affairs or the dilapidated condition that my room must be in?). My plans are taking shape, got my second AIMCAT next Sunday, am keen on putting up a better performance (anything North of 99+ is good against last Aimcat's 98.5). So that's for now, will do some vocabulary before I sleep, and an RC or two if time permits. More than anything what makes me happy at the end of the day is:

1) I drastically cut down the amount of time I sat on the computer over yesterday and today

2) I stopped playing stupid FB games Mafia Cities, Mindjolt and the Strategic addictive PC game Warcraft. That's quite something for an incorrigible gaming addict like me mind you!

3) Made a text file "Resolutions" on my desktop and I'll try to stick to whatever goes into the file no matter how difficult.

4) The Witwicky motto has been making the rounds in my mind "No Sacrifice, No Victory" good one eh? Don't thank me, thank Michael Bay the creator of Archibald James Witwicky.


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